Welcome To HealerLink!


On July 18-19, we offered our first free group healings. We had 52 people participating. Many of them had never experienced any type of energy healing, not to mention having it done long-distance. 

The results were very positive. Unsolicited testimonials started to arrive in my mailbox, often wondering how other people experienced the healings too. You can read some of these stories here.

We have decided to continue offering these healings periodically as they give people a direct experience of VortexHealing® Therapy. I recommend you check our site periodically to see if any are offered - and tell your friends and family too! The healings are open to everyone, so if you are interested, just send us an email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and we'll get you going!

The other perk about these healings is that each healing is performed by a group of healers. This will bring a definite advantage to everyone involved, especially because the healers are well guided by divine, giving you a chance to heal more deeply and comprehensively.


Our Customers Speak

"I think you have magic powers."
-Angie Brown
"You certainly are able to tap into the universal power of healing, and I am so grateful."
-Linda Hidalgo
"I have to say it helped. Nothing else explains these results. It's just so weird that I didn't have to do anything."
-Susan Talin 
"These sessions have had a profound effect on my sense of self and led to significant changes in how I live my day to day life. Thank you."
-Francis Olsen
"Thank you so much for helping me heal today. I am deeply grateful." 
"Thank you for giving me a new life." 
-Norma Johnson
"I wish you many blessings in life as you are genuinely helping people."
-Lena Balandina
"Thank you again for your amazingly effective work with me. I am so thrilled!"  
-Shelli Kozachenko
"I've really gotten some incredible help as a result of our work and I am very grateful."
-Nancy Zak, Ph.D.