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One of the most important turning points in my life was when I realized there was something "wrong" with me. Not wrong in a sense that I was bad, but in a sense that I needed to change if I wanted to have a different kind of life (I was having a really rough time back then). Soon, I was introduced to meditation, which taught me how to turn my attention inward. It was most surprising as I found a world I had no idea existed within me: the inner world. This was a big deal to me as I had lived with a feeling there was nothing I could do to improve my life.

I spent the following few years meditating five hours a day, determined to become enlightened. While I went through massive changes initially, I found out that whatever I did failed to address the issues I had, which made me look elsewhere for a solution.

I spent the next few years learning more about myself, life, and other people. I did this by studying energy healing, emotional healing, symbolism, and spiritual psychology. I learned several ways on how to get to the truth of the matter, whether it be with myself, a client, or the issues (or symptoms) we were having. My skills at finding the exact reasons for our issues improved as did the techniques to address such conditions.

The Divine made a tangible entry into my life in 2005 when I learned VortexHealing® Divine Energy Healing. It was a major upgrade in every way imaginable and provided the vital ingredient needed to create deep, fast, and sustainable changes: Divine energy and consciousness.

Thoroughly excited, I spent thousands of hours on self-healing and inner discovery, attended all possible Vortex classes, and embarked on amazing journeys within the magical corridors of Quinstel. I got interested in earth healing and spent several months driving around different countries clearing contaminated places from demons, poltergeists, and other such things. The journeys were extremely educational and resulted in great inner discoveries and unique healing techniques. The trips were also responsible for creating hundreds of funnel-doors and angelic divine doors that now bring divine energy and consciousness into those places.

Meanwhile, there were other events that deepened my process. In 2008, I found HealerLink as a source for highest-level Vortexhealers and has since produced hundreds and hundreds of individual client sessions and over 250 group healings. Then, a few years later, an angel entered into my life and is now an intricate part of the healings I provide. And in 2012, there was an amazing deepening in my relationship with Amma, the hugging avatar, who has since become one of the deepest guides and influences I have in my life.



20+ years of active study and practice in the holistic healing arts, including:


Expertise / Key Strengths