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Considering that 80% of all illness is stress-related, it is bound to touch the life of every person. It could be argued that stress makes our nervous system "nervous". The less we have it (or the more we have released stress), the less nervous (or more relaxed and alert) we feel. As the level of stress declines, the free'er our nervous system will be of blockages that prevent the flow of intelligence, stimuli, energy, and information. If it was completely free from stress, well, I bet that would be the first time our nervous system would be functioning in a normal way.

Releasing stress from our energy system can take place at least in two ways - and they are both very important and complementary to each other. The first one is to utilize methods that bring general relaxation into our system. One of such methods is meditation. When done properly, it can produce deep states of rest and relaxation. This occurs automatically as the mind settles down to its most peaceful yet awake state. This state of "restful alertness" helps to facilitate a profound process of purification and rejuvenation throughout our being.

Such an experience is like taking a shower after a long time. Physically, we feel rested and rejuvenated. Mentally, we feel quick and sharp and obtain a better ability to focus on our daily responsibilities. Emotionally, we feel more relaxed and stable and less prone to get overwhelmed by the stressful impulses our nervous system gets bombarded with regularly. Spiritually, we feel refreshed. Naturally, the effects are bound to have a positive impact on our relationships with our surroundings as well.

But techniques that approach stress release in a general way fail to penetrate and resolve our most pressing problems. That is a huge problem that can only be resolved by getting specific - no beating around the bush is going to do it for us, after all, the reasons behind our issues are specific. That is why I recommend we all find an expert with such know-how AND also learn how to better handle issues ourselves as they emerge.

One such technique is Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT). It follows a different approach in bringing about relaxation and stress release. It is used to clear out specific negative incidents, issues, and long-standing patterns, and, as such, is a very helpful and complementary technique to even those of us who already follow a healthy and regular daily routine with proper diet, exercise, yoga, and meditation, etc.

The experience EFT produces can best be described as getting out of an emotional jail. Anyone who has used it to release themselves from an old (or new) haunting and debilitating emotional issue can relate to that feeling. It is simply liberating - and allows anyone to move on with their lives the way they always desired or longed for - but which they never got to experience because the grip of the problem was too strong to overcome through techniques that focus only on generating an overall feeling of relaxation. That is where EFT comes in - to address a specific concern.

While EFT can be incredibly helpful in creating better health and well-being, it fails to reach the deeper dimensions where the true roots of our issues are held. And going deeper we must, should we really want to break through our story and the illusion of separate self.

Obviously, the road within is long and deep, but there is a healing modality that has the power to create significant shortcuts: VortexHealing® Therapy. Being a divine healing art, it has the energy and consciousness necessary to heal our issues directly at their root and transform them into the Wholeness from which they came. It can also address little-known conditions that are responsible for maintaining some of our most persistent issues and patterns - and thus a great source of everyday stress. (At HealerLink, we always look to release those for your maximum benefit.)