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Karma Knots refer to the word "karma" - or action. Karma, in essence, is just action - and all action (even inaction) has consequences. Thus, whatever we put out comes back to us. The purpose of this mechanic is to have a reliable way to give ourselves honest feedback about how we are doing, namely how closely we are acting upon who we truly are and what we still have left to learn.

This process can be very useful for those who pay attention. Occasionally, the feedback is instant and can change or encourage our behavior, such as seeing a certain look on somebody else's face after we have done something to them - good or bad. Thus, even "bad" karma can be good.

But because there is often a delay between our actions and the consequences of our actions, we fail to see the connection between the two. Thus, the problems in our lives can feel very unjust and we feel that we are not responsible for what is happening to us - that we are a victim of circumstances.

On such occasions, we often ask: "What have I done to deserve this?" If people would only listen for an answer! But because most people don't, we end up having a lot of very persistent issues. (Funnily enough, you don't usually hear people ask this question when everything is going well either.)

Our most persistent issues, which also are the issues we have avoided and resisted the most, can become Karma Knots. They are held as little energetic "knots" within our energetic spine but are intensely powerful. In essence, they reflect exactly how we feel separate from the wholeness of life, often taking the colors of anger, depression, resentment, avoidance, victimhood, recurring destructive patterns, etc. These "colors" then color our relationship between ourselves and the rest of the world, reinforcing the very existence of that particular and unprocessed, troublesome reality. Thus, the effect of Karma Knots can be very destructive and is not to be taken lightly.

Since Karma Knots maintain and further reinforce separateness, releasing them moves us deeper into Oneness, a new level of consciousness, and can provide incredible breakthroughs to our problems. From that new place, it is easier to work on the remaining issues that were caused by the Karma Knot, simply because the root of those issues is gone. But bringing a Karma Knot into oneness is not possible for something that lives in separation, simply because separation doesn't know what Oneness is. Thus only That which is not in separation can release it, namely Divine.

A Jewel-level VortexHealing® Therapy Practitioner can release several Karma Knots within a single healing, if appropriate, and we will always try to move as many of them as possible for your maximum benefit.

So you have come to the right place to take care of them: HealerLink - your trusted source for Divine Energy Healing.

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"I think you have magic powers."
-Angie Brown
"You certainly are able to tap into the universal power of healing, and I am so grateful."
-Linda Hidalgo
"I have to say it helped. Nothing else explains these results. It's just so weird that I didn't have to do anything."
-Susan Talin 
"These sessions have had a profound effect on my sense of self and led to significant changes in how I live my day to day life. Thank you."
-Francis Olsen
"Thank you so much for helping me heal today. I am deeply grateful." 
"Thank you for giving me a new life." 
-Norma Johnson
"I wish you many blessings in life as you are genuinely helping people."
-Lena Balandina
"Thank you again for your amazingly effective work with me. I am so thrilled!"  
-Shelli Kozachenko
"I've really gotten some incredible help as a result of our work and I am very grateful."
-Nancy Zak, Ph.D.