Category: VortexHealing® Therapy
Hits: 2449

The way VortexHealing® Therapy is taught makes effective long-distance healing possible. The classes are structured in such a way that they develop the healer's whole energy system to become consciously more connected to what is being healed.

The same applied to their psychic sense. This enables the healer to utilize different healing tools as they are needed and follow specific healing protocols created to address specific conditions, such as deeply rooted emotional issues or infections, bacteria, and viruses.

As each VortexHealing class develops the healer's body and energy system and gives the healer more powerful healing tools, they also bridge the healer deeper into the source of Vortexhealing, their own true nature, and the wholeness of life. The deeper of an bridge the healer becomes, deeper the healing effect can be, and the less of an issue the distance is.