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elephantwizFor the past two weeks, I have been taking the new Multi-Dimensional Jewel on a serious test drive and I must say I am deeply impressed.

You might say I am completely biased to say so, but after having spent 15 years in holistic healing, stress management, and self-development, I have never seen anything even remotely like Multi-D - and I am excited about what it can do for you.

The best description I can give you is a quote from a client who was facing an extreme situation with an deep fear of hers.

She said: "I noticed a lot more clarity in the system, like the body/system was more of a clear glass flute in relation to the fear."

Multi-D does exactly that: it cleans up the human body and consciousness so deeply and thoroughly that it will be very difficult to find anything from the issue that you could hold on to.

To make things even more exciting, as you receive a healing for an issue, Multi-D works with the DNA and removes the issue-related junk that has been passed onto you through your ancestors!

I cannot emphasize enough how important this part is to your healing. It has created some MAJOR releases in my system.

The most frustrating fact about the ancestoral stuff, such as their beliefs, patterns, and worse, is that it's THEIR stuff, not yours - you just inherited it and became identified with it by plugging into the bloodline. The other is that the stuff sits so deeply in the system that nothing has been able to touch it.

But now, the situation is wayyyy different. Because of Multi-D, we can now release up to 97% of emotional and ancestoral issues, which is truly excellent. (The last 3% is like a vague memory compared to what an issue is at 100%.)

Because this work goes so deep - to the very edge of creation, actually - and because it is so thorough, you could not recreate the issue the same away even if you wanted to.

In some ways, it's quite literally like removing a stone from a shoe. Once it's gone, it's gone, and freedom and all kinds of possibilities enter in one's life.

The "downside" of this work is that it will generally require four sessions to create such change. (That's still pretty darn good, considering that it has taken eons to accumulate this stuff into your system.)

You can still subscribe to just 1 healing, and we have a systematic way to make the issue beg for mercy. But, if you have a chance to go for four sessions, that's what we'd recommend.

The first three sessions are dedicated to releasing and clearing a looooong list of different types of karmic and divine structures, hooks, entanglements, and so on. The sessions will cover all dimensions (up to 10th) and work on your cellular, molecular, and organ consciousness as well. It also affects all organs, chakras, and body systems impacted by the issue.

BUT MOST IMPORTANTLY, the work will awaken and clear the I-consciousness* within all consciousness and vital webbing that relates to your issue - and it does so in all dimensions.

* I-consciousness = the inner separateness, which is the very reason for the existence of any issue.

Waking and clearing it all up creates two things: inner freedom and freedom from the issue.

Then, the fourth session is done to catch up and integrate your system and your life - and that alone feels like a deep healing itself. (This is no joke; there are 18 steps for just catching up the system.)

So, if you are thinking that it'd be great to finally say goodbye to an old issue of yours, now is the time. Start with the one that bothers you the most (usually, people have 4-5 major issues). If you have difficulty choosing the topic, you may discuss it with your healer or utilize the list below:

Grief (deep sadness) over loss, control, abandonment, trust/betrayal, fear (of something specific), procrastination/resistance, entrapment, existential terror, responsibility (avoiding), victimhood, etc.

Because the issue exists within the human energy system, it attracts similar energy, leading to more similar issues. Often, the issues get mirrored in our relationships which then end up carrying a common theme (an experience of a someone who'll always be abandoned, betrayed, controlled, victimized, etc.).

But, with Multi-D (which all HealerLink healers have), we finally have a chance to do deep enough of a release to cause serious damage to the issue and the overall story (of you and the ancestors) so that true freedom and change can finally result.

To help you get started, we have made a special deal for you: the 4-session package is now only $399 (instead of $460). You can take the sessions back to back (one each day), and you'll be living a totally different reality within just few days!

You can schedule your first appointment by following the link below (you'll schedule sessions 2-4 directly with me or the other healers - please call at 1-505-559-4475 or email me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. should you have any questions):


Let's get the party started!

Our Customers Speak

"I think you have magic powers."
-Angie Brown
"You certainly are able to tap into the universal power of healing, and I am so grateful."
-Linda Hidalgo
"I have to say it helped. Nothing else explains these results. It's just so weird that I didn't have to do anything."
-Susan Talin 
"These sessions have had a profound effect on my sense of self and led to significant changes in how I live my day to day life. Thank you."
-Francis Olsen
"Thank you so much for helping me heal today. I am deeply grateful." 
"Thank you for giving me a new life." 
-Norma Johnson
"I wish you many blessings in life as you are genuinely helping people."
-Lena Balandina
"Thank you again for your amazingly effective work with me. I am so thrilled!"  
-Shelli Kozachenko
"I've really gotten some incredible help as a result of our work and I am very grateful."
-Nancy Zak, Ph.D.