Welcome To HealerLink!


massageWe have some great changes coming up - but before that, I have a question for you:

How would you define healing? As feeling better? Getting better? ...or something else?

Wikipedia.org defines it as follows:

"Healing, assessed physically, is the process by which the cells in the body regenerate and repair to reduce the size of a damaged or necrotic area. Healing incorporates both the removal of necrotic tissue (demolition), and the replacement of this tissue."

I have to admit, the above was not the first definition that came to my mind. ;-)

But what is it that makes healing really possible? What needs to happen before we can say healing has really happened?

Couldn't you say that healing the absence of stuff - the lack of that which gave us trouble?

Couldn't you say that the more it happens, the more we find inner space, peace, freedom, simplicity, and order? ...and that it enables us to better tap into our true resources and utilize them in a more meaningful and powerful way?

If all that happened, would you say healing has happened?

We could argue that healing is facilitated by our deep inner calling to know ourselves. It is merciless: sooner or later we end up looking at the issues we've tried to avoid, forget, or ignore.

Our need for balance, clarity, and centeredness is difficult to achieve without getting our hands dirty. In fact, healing our lives and knowing ourselves is probably the hardest thing we'll ever do.

Where else are we met with such incredible need for focus, honesty, and determination? Where else do we need so much patience, intention, and follow-through? Where else are we challenged as deeply to change our points of view, surrender, and let go?

We all like to think we have an open mind. We also consider ourselves quite committed. But just in case there was room for improvement, in which areas do we need more courage and willingness to confront our issues? Where are we in hiding? Where do we need to dig deeper? Where do we need to be more present? What is it that we'd need to face?

It's not easy to be on this path alone. Nothing can be as draining as being bombarded by our issues year after year, life after life. How can we integrate everything if we don't even know everything that's a problem to us? How can we know what to do when we lack the know-how to put it all together?

The fact is that we can't. But the Divine can, and it's been working quite a while to create a modality which can detect and heal conditioning - which is the "stuff" that keeps us stuck with our issues - at every level it's found in creation.

The end result is Multi-Dimensional VortexHealing® Therapy, and HealerLink is happy to announce that our healers will be certified at that level by October 16th.

This is a huge accomplishment for all of us, and it will change forever the depth at which you can experience healing. Naturally, this will change our group healings too: they'll be automatically upgraded to the new level.

We'd like to invite you to take the following four weeks to think how you'd like to change your life. Think about the issues you still have. What would you like to heal? What would that mean as far as your own commitment is concerned?

Over the next few weeks, you'll hear from us occasionally. Then, after October 16th, we'll start everything at a whole new level.

Get ready for it as deeper change is just around the corner. Come to think of it, it might be a good idea to plan ahead and take an advantage of the "Get 1 healing, get 1 group healing for free" offer now as it expires this Friday. ($40 value.) You can save these healings for later.

See it here:


The same goes with our Group Healings: by locking in by Friday, Sept. 18th, you'll prevent any changes in price for the next 12 months but will be enjoying Multi-Dimensional VortexHealing in Oct/Nov already. That deal is hard to beat.

Check out the details here:


Our Customers Speak

"I think you have magic powers."
-Angie Brown
"You certainly are able to tap into the universal power of healing, and I am so grateful."
-Linda Hidalgo
"I have to say it helped. Nothing else explains these results. It's just so weird that I didn't have to do anything."
-Susan Talin 
"These sessions have had a profound effect on my sense of self and led to significant changes in how I live my day to day life. Thank you."
-Francis Olsen
"Thank you so much for helping me heal today. I am deeply grateful." 
"Thank you for giving me a new life." 
-Norma Johnson
"I wish you many blessings in life as you are genuinely helping people."
-Lena Balandina
"Thank you again for your amazingly effective work with me. I am so thrilled!"  
-Shelli Kozachenko
"I've really gotten some incredible help as a result of our work and I am very grateful."
-Nancy Zak, Ph.D.