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As many of your know, Mercury is retrograde (appears to be moving backwards when observed from the earth) between 9/6-29.

Common symptoms of this astrological situation are: difficulties in communication, misunderstandings, breaking down or severe malfunctioning of electronic equipment (computers, TVs, phones, faxes, printers, etc.), delays, failing to close business deals and other contracts, making bad business decisions, etc.

Although this period is widely considered very annoying, it has another, deeply meaningful effect: it is the perfect time to contemplate on your deeper truths and realign your life according to what you discover.

In your work or business, it can mean going back to the drawing board and figuring out what needs to be added, changed, or deleted.

Obviously, being 3 weeks long, some people can hardly wait for the period to be over. But, if you allow it to guide you to your deeper truths, the period can be highly inspiring and allow you to come up with a plan that works much better than the one you currently have.

And it's for that reason that we have added another service to our roster: Mercury Puja. It can be used to smoothen out Mercury's negative planetary effects (as those above) and gain extra support for this period (and onwards).

From an energetic/ astrological point of view, the planetary energies are not just in our outer environment but are part of the make up of our own systems. Our bodies were created out of an environment that was filled with these energies, so they are part of our body’s nature, and these energies exist in our bodies according to the planetary patterns at the time of our conception and birth. This is why our systems are always responding and reacting, both physically and emotionally, to changes in the patterns of these energies in the outer environment, sometimes in positive ways and sometimes negative.

A planetary puja is designed to put your inner planetary patterns (which are experienced as emotional patterns) into harmony with the outer planetary energies, so that you don’t react to them in a way that your patterns and conditioning would normally dictate.

The Puja is done long-distance just like the healings you receive at HealerLink.

However, because Mercury Retrograde is already in effect, we will do the puja immediately after we have received your order and send you a confirmation email.

If you want the Puja be done while you are lying down, please mention it to us on upon the check out and we will contact you within 24 hours to set up an appointment.

Click on the link below to get a Mercury Puja ($75).

Mercury Puja

Our Customers Speak

"I think you have magic powers."
-Angie Brown
"You certainly are able to tap into the universal power of healing, and I am so grateful."
-Linda Hidalgo
"I have to say it helped. Nothing else explains these results. It's just so weird that I didn't have to do anything."
-Susan Talin 
"These sessions have had a profound effect on my sense of self and led to significant changes in how I live my day to day life. Thank you."
-Francis Olsen
"Thank you so much for helping me heal today. I am deeply grateful." 
"Thank you for giving me a new life." 
-Norma Johnson
"I wish you many blessings in life as you are genuinely helping people."
-Lena Balandina
"Thank you again for your amazingly effective work with me. I am so thrilled!"  
-Shelli Kozachenko
"I've really gotten some incredible help as a result of our work and I am very grateful."
-Nancy Zak, Ph.D.